Vein Treatments

Laser Vein Treatments

At Naugatuck Valley Radiology, we offer complete vein treatment from start to finish – at ONE location! 

More than 80 million Americans have varicose veins or spider veins. The good news is that both can be treated easily at Naugatuck Valley Radiology for healthier, more attractive legs. Evaluations and procedures are performed right in our Prospect office.  Laser Vein Treatments are minimally invasive with no need for a hospital stay and you can return to regular activities immediately after treatment. 

Answers at your first visit 

Other vein treatment programs require you to make two or three separate visits before receiving a diagnosis or treatment plan. At Naugatuck Valley Radiology, you receive a full consultation and treatment plan in one visit. Dr. Gregory Gersten, our interventional radiologist specializing in vein treatment, will conduct the ultrasound imaging and vein mapping on site. Dr. Gersten will speak with you after the test to plan the results and provide you with a personalized treatment plan for your specific problem. 

What vein treatment plans are offered? 

Endovenous Laser Treatments (ELVT) 

Dr. Gersten will use ultrasound equipment to guide a thin laser fiber into the problem vein. The laser light heats the vein lining and causes it to collapse, shrink and eventually disappear. Blood is automatically routed to other healthy veins. Treatments are performed with local anesthesia and typically take about one hour. 


Sclerotherapy is used for treating spider veins or smaller varicose veins. The most modern sclerotherapy solutions are injected into the vein using a tiny needle. The solution irritates the veins lining and causes the vein to close off, shrink and disappear. 


Varithena is a sclerosing agent which helps decrease dilation of enlarged veins. Varithena is used to treat small uncomplicated spider veins and varicose veins in the legs. 

Foam Sclerotherapy 

For larger veins, a foam solution may be used for sclerotherapy. Foam fills larger vein cavities and seals off blood flow, leading the eventual shrinkage of those treated veins. 


Are vein treatments covered by insurance? 

Following your initial consultation with Dr. Gersten, our insurance specialists will work with your insurance company to get your treatment plan authorized. Your coverage and any out of pocket costs will be reviewed with you prior to scheduling your treatment. 

How should I prepare? 

The preparation will depend on which vein treatment is right for you. At the time of scheduling, our staff will review the preparation with you and answer any questions that you have. 

What is the recovery period after treatment? 

All vein treatments performed at Naugatuck Valley Radiology are minimally invasive. You are up and walking as soon as the procedure is completed, and you may resume normal activities if they are not strenuous. Compression bandages or compression stockings are placed on the legs after treatment to reduce pressure on the veins and promote healthy healing. We also sell a topical agent, Dermaka, that helps to prevent bruising and inflammation of the skin following procedures. 

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