3D Digital Mammography

3D Digital Mammography 

What is 3D Digital Mammography? 

3D mammography is a screening and diagnostic breast imaging tool that enables the radiologist to examine the breast tissue layer by layer, giving them a more accurate and thorough view of the breast. The 3D technology reduces overlapping structures in the breast from obscuring small masses that could be cancers. 3D mammography is the biggest breakthrough in breast cancer detection in 30 years – detecting 41% more invasive breast cancers and reducing callbacks by up to 40%. 

Why is this exam done? 

A 3D mammography is very similar to have a traditional 2D mammogram, but far more accurate in detecting breast cancer earlier. In a standard 2D mammogram, only two images of each breast are obtained, with a 3D mammogram, numerous low-dose images of each breast are taken from several different angles. 3D mammography provides the radiologist with a series of images of each breast to view which leads to a greater ability to accurately diagnosis subtle masses or abnormalities. 

What can I expect? 

During the exam, the technologist will position you and compress the breast; the scanner will then rotate partially around the breast to obtain the images. The 3D technology does not add any additional time to your exam, there is not additional radiation and the compression is the same as with a 2D mammogram. 

How should I prepare? 

You should not wear any lotions, powders or deodorant on the breast or underarm area. You will be more comfortable if you schedule your test one week following the completion of your period.

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